Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Eyes on the Prize

We tweet words. We make Facebook statuses with words. We email with words. While all of that is fine and dandy, sometimes you need to mix it up a bit with some visuals. Today's world is rich with graphics and videos and content that is not text heavy. What our eyes find as pleasing it what we choose to consume. We don't have the time to read an entire 5 page article, so instead we may watch a quick video clip or glance over an infographic. Sounds easy enough, right? Slap a picture into our social media routine every once a while and we're good. Well, its a little more complicated than that. For the content to be successful and transfer to dollars, it has to be done well. Here are 3 general guidelines to follow when considering visual content.

1. Balance
There must be a balance between the background and the text. Whether this comes in the form of symmetry or asymmetry (both are beautiful if done correctly), there must be a balance among the elements. Having a scattered focus may lead the consumer's eye away from where you really want it to be and your objective will not be achieved. Make sure there is an all encompassing balancing throughout.

2. Framing
Framing is very important. It is the process of creating a special white space around the content that no words or elements can be placed. It's a matter of the brain really. You see, our brains immediately look for structure when we see something. If right off the bat we can see structure, we can interpret the message faster and with less stress. This creates a positive end result for all parties.

3. Contrast
This may be a no brainer, but it is still vital. There must be enough contrast between the various elements of the content so that the viewer can identify them without too much effort or strain. With visual content on social media, the purpose is to communicate some sort of message. If that message cannot be identified, you are just wasting your time and money. So, for this element to be demonstrated, there must be a noticeable difference between the background the subject matter.

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